Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's OVER!

It all began the first weekend of October...more than three months ago!

I was in a hurry to complete the three hour trip down to my brothers. I found out that morning that I would be seeing U2 with him that night. And, so, I was pushing my speed.

There aren't too many things that can sink your stomach like flashing lights, obviously pursuing your vehicle.

The officer from the Petersburg Police Department had no mercy. Ticket for reckless driving (20 mph over...yikes! pretty uncharacteristic of me since becoming a mom, by the way...) and a ticket for having a brake light out. I cried and everything. To no avail.


A few weeks later, I carted all three little ones into the courthouse, where I ended up waiting in the hallway for over TWO HOURS. Avery had to go potty, Nadia had to nurse. Levi was freaking out because it was naptime. I was sweating my butt off. By the time I got into the courtroom, the kids had lost it. Avery ran laps around a couple of rows. Levi was screaming. I was soaked with sweat. "How do I plead? What? I don't know...what's happening?"

I left, frustrated that, even with an 8-hr. course, I'd end up paying over $120.

I waited until after the holidays to begin my online course. But the knowledge that it was lingering swooped over me everyday, like a vulture.

A few days ago, I ventured out to the UPS store to take my online exam. I passed. Thank God!
Now, hopefully, I'd get my certificate in the mail before my license was suspended.

Yesterday was my last chance. I went to the mailbox. YES! I once again drove the 40 minutes to Petersburg, paid my fine, loaded and unloaded the kids, and sighed a HUGE sigh of relief on the way home. Today, upon review, my case will be dismissed.

I feel normal again, whatever that means...

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