Friday, March 12, 2010

It's been a long four years

This weeks marks four years since we found out we were expecting Avery.

It was so easy (and, not necessarily expected!) to get pregnant with Emily and Kaleb.
Not with her. Believe it or not, Fertile Myrtle here had a hard time conceiving our third child.
I remember throwing my arms around Greg, exclaiming, "We did it!"
It was so sweet to announce to Emily and Kaleb, 5 and 3 at the time, that there was going to be a baby.

And I have been pregnant or nursing (or, usually, both!) ever since.

(the pic above: me pregnant with avery, fall 2006)

1 comment:

Flamingo said...

i was pregnant with my son in 2006...he was born in september!

i am trying to repress baby fever here:)