Sunday, September 5, 2010

Not afraid to do it all

Lots going on around here at the J House.

Hence the lack of posts!

Special family has moved into town. Preparations for second and fifth grade. Last bits of pool time. Soccer is officially on. I attended my first birth that will count towards my doula certification. (more on that to come!)

Life happens so fast. I have no idea where the summer went.

I just saw a great idea that I must share and must do myself. Corey from Life with Little Ones shows her way of reminding herself of her "hearts desires" in this post.

Let's not forget to take time to dream. And to live out those dreams with the ones we love.

1 comment:

Taylor Winters said...

hey heather, i did not know you were doing the doula certification. i am doing the class in January with ToLabor. i would love to talk with you more about it!